Ojus Ksharsutra

KSHAR + SUTRA = Ksharsutra

Kshar is an alkaline salt of plant origin

Sutra is thread

Ksharsutra is an Alkaline Medicated Thread.

Fistula-in-ano is a condition which has been recognized as a difficult surgical disease in all the ancient and modern medical sciences of the world. It is the recurrent nature of this disease which makes it difficult for treatment. It has been categorized as a surgical condition and almost all the surgeons starting from Sushruta (about 1500 B.C.) to Hippocrates (450 B.C.). This is one condition for which the maximum types of surgical, para-surgical and medical applications have been described.

This divergent approach to the treatment for a single disease is only suggestive of the fact that none of these methods is complete or satisfactory. The introduction of kshara Sutra into the fistulous tract is capable of dissolving the tough fibrous tissue and ultimately draining it out creating a healthy base for healing. This is a draining it out creating a healthy base for healing.

Ksharsutra is a second big revolution in the treatment of fistula-in-ano. Its gradual and sustained chemical action not only removed the debris from the site of fistula but it also helped in encouraging fresh healthy granulation thereby inducing a long awaited healing pattern in the depth of tissues. The method has now been very well tried at many Ayurvedic and modern surgical centres in India andabroad and the results have been reproduced showing equal efficiency.



    1. Fistul a-inano(Bhagandar) is a chronic inflammatory condition having a tubular structure, which communicates with the ano-rectal canal at one end and surface of perineum or peri-anal skin on the other end.
    2. Fistula has two openings, one internal (in ano-rectal canal) and other external (in the skin of peri-anal area).
    3. Chronic pus discharging opening in the peri-anal area indicates – fistulous opening.
    4. Pain off and on, pus discharge from an extra opening, sometimes it closes itself and again opens after the pus formation.
    5. Deep seated abscess is the source of pus which later on converts into Fistula-inano.
    6. Probing & Threading of Kshar Sutra
    7. Probe has been pulled out leaving behind the Kshar sutra in fistulous tract



    1. It is a simple, safe and sure treatment for fistula –in-ano (95% success rate)
    2. Ksharsutra is – chemical fistulectomy rather than surgical fistulectomy
    3. It is a simple minimum invasive surgical technique
    4. Recurrence is negligible (3-5%)
    5. Performed in Minor O.T. conditions
    6. No damage to anal sphincter and chances of incontinence is practically Nil
    7. It is an Ambulatory procedure, no hospitalization required
    8. Only local/topical anesthesia required
    9. No antibiotic coverage required
    10. Ksharsutra is very safe in patients who are otherwise not fit for surgery e.g. Diabetics, Cardiac patients, Hypertensive elderly and weak patients.
    11. Cost effective – very Low-cost treatment as compared to surgery.
    12. Fully Ayurvedic management, associated medicines for Internal and External use have many benefits
    13. Minimum scar formation at the wound site