Welcome to us !
Namaste !
Welcome to Ojus Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, the first fully fledged Ayurveda and Panchakarma hospital in Nepal. Our hospital is registered with the Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal.
A new integrated system of treatment consisting mainly of the techniques of Ayurveda, Yoga, Modern Ayurveda Surgery, Physiotherapy…
Completely modern research Centre and treatment facilities for all curable and incurable diseases…..
Provide preventive, promotive & curative health services
A Brief History of Establishment ..!
Our journey began with the visionary concept crafted by Narayan Prasad Acharya, the founder director of Ojus Ayurveda Hospital, and a renowned figure in Ayurveda and public health in Nepal. Rooted in the legacy of Ojus Clinic, established over two decades ago in Kathmandu, our hospital represents a significant expansion of our commitment to serving the community.
Before the inception of Ojus Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, Nepal struggled to attract foreign clients for Ayurvedictreatment, while India was rapidly emerging as the global hub of Ayurveda. Despite Nepal’s rich heritage in Ayurveda, the lack of dedicated facilities and international recognition hindered its appeal to a broader audience. Meanwhile, India’s robust infrastructure and proactive promotion of Ayurveda positioned it as the preferred destination for those seeking traditional healing.

Our Core Services
Perfection today

Pancha stands for Five and Karma are the therapeutic measures, therefore Panchakarma means five types of therapeutic measures.

Ksharsutra is an Alkaline Medicated Thread. Kshar is an alkaline salt of plant origin and Sutra is thread . KSHAR + SUTRA = KSHARSUTRA.

Yoga & Meditation
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.
Why Panchakarma?
Speeding up the metabolism
Completely purifies the body
Enhancing the strength of digestive fire
Rejuvenation of tissues
Opening up of blocked channels
Relaxing the mind and body
Message from Chairperson
Ayurveda is receiving momentum as an effective alternative to the conventional system of medicine by virtue of its systematic approach to cure and prevent ailments using natural resources.
In this juncture, “Ojus Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre” came into existence. The two pillars for “Ojus Ayurveda” are its focus on research and quality of health services. Our focus is on stringent quality control parameters and standardization of processes. It has a team of highly qualified and dedicated Ayurvedic practitioners and researchers constantly striving to make formulations of new techniques for better use of Ayurvedic products for the benefit of human beings.

What People Say
Our Plans

Normal Easy Start

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News and Article
Ayurveda Treatment Guidelines
Four Essentials of successful Ayurvedic Treatment When you go through Ayurvedic treatments and treatment, it is essential to maintain a few characteristics of the Ayurveda physician who justifies and validates the doctor-patient relationship. This awareness will help...
रिउम्याटिक(आमवातजन्य) रोगहरुको परिचय, वर्गिकरण, निदान र चिकित्सा
-डा. प्रदीप के.सी. वि.ए.एम.एस. (टि.यु.) एम.डी.(टि.सि.एम. रिउमाटोलोजी, चिन) कार्यरतः स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसँख्या मन्त्रालय रिउम्याटिक शब्द युनानी भाषाको ‘रिउमा’ बाट बनेको छ जसको अर्थ “पानी झैं बग्ने” हुन्छ । शरीरभित्र “पानी झैं बग्ने” वस्तुहरुबाट उत्पन्न हुने...
अर्गानिक खाद्यान्न खाँदा निरोगी भइन्छ ?
-श्याम प्रसाद आचार्य विषय प्रवेशः अर्गानिक खेती प्रविधिबाट उत्पादित खाद्यान्नहरु नै अर्गानिक खाद्यान्न हुन् जसमा आधुनिक अप्राकृतिक रसायनहरु किटनासक औषधि, रासायनिक मलहरु प्रयोग गरिएको हुँदैन । यस्ता खाद्यान्नहरु प्रसोधनका लागि परावैजनिकिरण, औद्योगिक घोलक र...
Upcomming Project
Everything is plan
Get in Touch
"Centre for natural healing"
Ojus Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre
Kathmandu Metropolitan City
Samakhusi-3, Ranibari Marga, Kathmandu.
Call us:
+977-014963161, 014952075
014986123 (Pharmacy)
9851011007 (WhatsApp)
ojusahrc@gmail.com | info@ojusayurveda.com